Friday, August 31, 2012

To Crate Or Not To Crate

Alot of people will ask. Should i crate train my dog? and the answer is yes there are so many reason why to crate and we will cover some of them.

Reason to crate your dog

1. its a safe place for your puppy/dog to be when your not at home
2. they can be in there crate when you have them i the back of a truck.
3. they learn to play and chew on there toys in there crate.
4. its there safe place to go when they need a place to get away.

This is how dogs end up in the pound.

1. your house will be chewed up while you are gone
2.while driving down the road your dog sees a cat and jumps out of the back of the truck
3.they chew up your new pair of $100. shoes
4. they get up on the bed while wet and muddy after playing in the pond.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bad Weather Tips


Some tips for when Bad Weather hits. its always best to make sure you always have a copy of your pets vet records both on paper and scaned on a flashdrive plus make sure you a have a tote with a sealed bag of food some treats an extra leash and extra ID tag in the tote and write on the tote in a marker your name and two phone numbers and the pets name that the tote belongs too that way if for some reason it gets lost it can find its way back to you.

For smaller animals like pet birds keep small plastic dog crates on hand with extra food and water dishes in them so you can move them fast to a safe place. and again a tote is a must if you have one pack for your self and family whats one more for the family pet after all they are a member of the family.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How Important Puppy Classes & Shots Are.

Want to write now how important it is to get your new  puppies into a class as soon as they can. Even if it is a the trainer coming to your home for a couple of weeks to start them on a leash and heeling, this will help them start to develop into a good adult dog in later life. A good age to start is at about 7-8 weeks at age at this age as their mind is like sponge and they will learn so much. About new behaviors in those first few weeks after getting your puppy, it's always a good idea to talk with your trainer about classes and your vet about getting your pup on their vaccinations. However, you need to know a few things first if you take your new puppy out in public. NEVER, I mean NEVER, put him/her on the ground in public areas as the ground can have many germs for them to pick up like Provo or distemper. They will walk and get contamination on their pads their feet. Then they will lick their feet,  and wham bam you have a sick puppy on your hands. If strangers want to pet your puppy make them wash or disinfect their hands first as you don't know where their hands have been. Your main goal is to keep your puppy healthy and safe.  Even if you think a shopping cart is safe, think again! They use them to put trash in to carry out to the story, other customers will put their dogs in them and you don't know if that dog has gotten sick in that cart or potted in it. So, if you are going to put your new puppy in a cart take disinfect wipes and clean the cart. Then place a pad or blanket in it one so the pup's little paw won't get stuck in the grate in the cart, if your pup gets hurt in a business's shopping cart, that store is not responsible for a vet visit and you have made your pup scared to try another outing at a store.

Thank you and enjoy your new family member   Marsha

Fall Weather Coming

With fall coming up on us, you might want to think about getting your dog(s) ready for it! First remember to make them a grooming appointment and make sure their summer coat is brushed out and ready for fall. Then you may want to start extra walks to enjoy the beautiful weather, but just like us humans,  you will need to warm up your dogs joints before starting off, so they don't hurt themselves on the walk. Don't forget to do a cool cool down with them also.  Just because it maybe cooler temperatures out, remember you need to always have water with you for yourself and your dog.