Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dog training 101

I want to write about dog training 101 what is that you ask? Well to any professional trainer it is many different things, different methods. You have your all positive trainers who only use treats and praise yes that will work on some dogs but not all dogs. Then you have your trainers that are force trainers they don't use treats they force the dog into a sit by forcing them into it. Some say that is outdated some say it's the only way to train. I use my own methods I do what's best for the dog and the owners. I feel that a dog will learn from treats and praise and sometimes you need to tell them where they need to be not by forcing them but by showing them dogs will learn by watching others they only follow a strong leader how would you like it if you were at work and your boss was all over the place acting. Crazy you would want to get away from them right that's how your dog is they don't speak English you can tell a dog red and that could be a cue to sit or down. But if you treat that dog with respect it will show you the respect. I will say if you want to use different types of training equipment and the trainer says they only use this or that I would say find a new trainer. A trainer that knows how to use a wide range of equipment. I for one love to help both human and dog bond and become a good working team.