Friday, October 31, 2014

Selection of a service dog

wanted to talk about service dogs and how we pick ours, some trainers get their dogs from breeders, some get from shelters and there is always a debate about it that some say only service dogs should come from breeders that breed for the traits  and i say yes on that if you are a big name training center. we for one are not we do live to help save dogs from the shelter if we can save a dog from death row and he/she shows the traits that we are looking for if it be for mobility, ptsd, hearing alert dogs. we assess the dogs on many different behaviors using the safer method, plus taking them out away from the shelter to see how they act in public, than we bring them home to test with our animals if they pass all these tests than they are welcome into our pack and start there training. and we spend 1-2 months just on basic training why so much on basic its to make sure the dog is really solid in all their basic behaviors and while we do this they are also doing public access training. the next 2-4 months is getting the dog out more and getting him/her out on as many different types of settings. in different types of weather. by this time we know for sure if the dog is going to make it as a service dog he/she has been though a thunder storms, high winds, other animals etc by that time we start working on task training this is where the dog learns to pick up items, turn lights on, brace , help their human with living life. and when the year - two years is up and hading the leash over is the best thing in the world sure its sad to see that dog leave but you know part of you is in the dog your heart and soul. so the next time you see a service dog in the store know the owner may have trained it or a professional did.and know that dog was /is loved. yes it does cost thousands of dollars to train one service  dog. thank you
k9 paws behavior dog training

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