Monday, November 16, 2015

What is Force Free Training

I wanted to touch base on force free training, I hear a lot of people talking about it now a days. What is training my dog force free? Well we have all kinds of trainers out there in the world and there are great ones and there are bad ones. I'm not saying that the ones using shock collars, prong collars are bad but there are trainers that do not know how to use them in a safe manner. I've seen choke chains that were imbedded in a dogs neck cause they thought by chaining it up was ok using a choke chain and a chain, I've also seen dogs hang  themselves with choke chains and prong collars, these are a tool to be used for training only by a professional that knows how to use them, a shock collar can be used as a good tool as well but can also injury the dog. I own these training aids but in my classes I use force free methods. What's that you ask. It's by using body language and I communicate with the dog using body language. Not by using verbal cues dogs are more visual than verbal. And teaching dogs without force makes a happier dog and a happy home. We never make a dog do something we do let the dog correct him/her self we never hit a dog or yell at a dog. So when choosing a trainer ask yourself this.
1. What type of methods do they use?
2. Do they make the dog go into sits and downs?
3. What type of training equipment do they use?
And always check them out


  1. Great explanation of what's force free!

  2. Thank you!! For Sharing information about force free training. This is the best way to train dog with safe manner by using choke chains and prong collars. Now there is easy for me to hire canine professional
